


儿童主日学的宗旨 The Mission of Children Sunday School:

1. 主耶稣的吩咐 The command of our Lord Jesus Christ:

耶稣说:“让小孩子到我这里来,不要禁止他们,因为在天国的,正是这样的人。”(马太福音19:14)Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt 19:14.

2. 儿童主日学不是保姆性质的教会托管所。儿童主日学的真正目的是用适合各个年龄段孩子的方式,帮助孩子认识真神,得到永生,也帮助孩子们之间建立属灵的团契生活。Children Sunday school is not a baby-sitting department. The true purpose of children Sunday School is to use the age-appropriate methods to help children to understand that they are sinners, they need Jesus Christ as their saviour so that they will have eternal lives. The children Sunday school also helps children to build up a spiritual fellowship among them.

年龄段 Age groups:

教会的儿童主日学面对婴孩和儿童开放。各个年龄班如下:0-2岁是婴儿班;3-5岁是幼儿班;5-7岁是小学低年级班;8-11岁是小学高年级班。11岁以上的孩子参加青少年聚会。The children Sunday School program opens to children from ages 0-11. We have infant class which serves infants from 0-2 years old. We have toddler class which accepts children from 2-5. The early elementary class teaches students from 5-7 while the upper elementary class host students from 8-11. When a child is older than 11 years old, they will attend youth fellowship at the same time.

时间 Time:

儿童主日学的时间段跟英文崇拜和中文崇拜同步。英文崇拜的时间是每个周日早上9:45到11:00,所以第一阶段的儿童主日学也在这个时段。中文崇拜的时间是每个周日早上11:15到12:30,同时进行第二时段的儿童主日学教学, 课后共进午餐。We offer two children Sunday School slots which happen at the same time with two worships on Sunday mornings. The first children Sunday school class starts from 9:45 to 11:00 while the second class starts at 11:15 to 12:30, followed by the lunch.

注意事项并要求 Requirements:

1. 孩子刚来教会,面对陌生的环境和人,可能会有诸多不适应。父母可以陪同孩子在儿童主日学的班级内上课,不超过四次。如果有特殊需要的孩子,父母需要多陪伴几次的,请跟主日学校长沟通。If a child is not able to fit into certain children Sunday school class because he/she is new to the class, parents can stay with him/her in the children’s class, not more than 4 lessons. If a children has some special needs, parents feel like to stay longer than 4 lessons, please discuss it with the children Sunday school principal.

2. 孩子不能留在大人的崇拜厅崇拜。原因有三:1. 孩子弄出的声响可能会影响别人崇拜。2.孩子在身边,导致父母不能专心崇拜主。“尊重你的儿子过于尊重我”(撒母耳记上2:29下)。3.孩子不应该被剥夺以适合自己的方式崇拜上帝,以及建立属灵团契的机会。Children are not allowed to stay in the worship hall. There are three main reasons: i) Children may cause noise that may affect others in the worship. 2. When children are around, parents are less likely to be only and fully attentive to the worship. (Why do you honor your sons more than me…? 1Sam 2:29 ) 3. Children should not be taken away the privileges to worship God in the age-appropriate way and build up their own fellowship with other young fellow Christians.